09 October 2022

Revolution Now! Is Rizalito David Calling For A Revolution Today? So Am I – A Revolution Of The Small.

“Restore Filipino Values Now!” is the Facebook cry of Rizalito David I saw on Friday, 07 Oct, in mixed Pilipino (Tagalog) and English. Among other things, Mr David is a pro-life advocate and perennial candidate for government office – Senator & Vice President. Shouldn’t we admire him? The loser never quits!

(David/Leni image from ph.news.yahoo.com)

He ran for Vice President in the last elections under the Democratic Party of the Philippines, with Jose Montemayor as President – eventually, he endorsed Leni Robredo for President, and his rival Tito Sotto for VP! (I voted for Leni.) It looks to me like Mr David is unsure of his politics – today, is he sure of his polemics?

Excerpts from his Facebook shout (my translation):

Restore Filipino Values Now!

Lack of morality in society and lack of trust by citizens in the government are the two most important problems and issues that should be paid attention to by those who are in government…

We now need people who have the capacity to discern what is right and wrong… We need leaders to return the faith, hope, love and concern for life in each citizen and return the teachings of Christ in everything that we do.

We need to forge and zealously pursue a revolution – a Revolution of Faith and Movement for Renewal of Philippine Society.

My selection is 100 words; in his Facebook shout of 220 words, Mr David is neither telling nor asking us: “Where do we begin the Revolution of Faith and Movement for Renewal?”

My answer to my own question is: “We begin Small, but with Big Love.”

From her autobiography The Story Of A Soul, St Thereseis quoted by Elizabeth Tomasek (“01 Oct 2019, Therese Of Lisieux, Saint Of The Little Way,’” McGrath Institute For Church Life, mcgrathblog.nd.edu):

I can prove my love only by scattering flowers, that is to say, by never letting slip a single little sacrifice, a single glance, a single word; by making profit of the very smallest actions, by doing them for love.

“By doing them for love.” Mr Rizalito David, Sir! To wage a new PH Revolution, whatever you are thinking, whatever words come out of your mouth, whatever works come out with your hands, they must be borne out of love.

I myself have been calling for a new agriculture revolution since 2015 – today contained in the name of this modern movement – “Regenerative Agriculture (RA).”

Mr David, we are both UP Los Baños alumni, so you know this: “Healthy foods come from healthy farms.” I am referring to the growing of crops and livestock with organic mulch, zero chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Promise!

To help bring out that Big Promise, speaking from experience, my small contribution is to redesign the rotavator so that it automatically creates an organic mulch all over the field even as it cultivates that field. That will translate to zero fertilizer cost for the farmer– and transport him from poverty to prosperity!

I need a little financing – Any givers?@517

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