10 December 2022

“Academic Freedom” Is The Monster You Love. “Artistic Freedom” Is The Monster I Love!

Did your UP presidential candidate win in the selection by the Board of Regents (BOR)? Mine did not win, but I look at each of the 8 component universities of the UP System as the loser! Which means that, thereby, all of us are losers. I'm sorry to say that the BOR’s choice means that there will be no Climate Change in UP administration. The monster of “Academic freedom” remains; the monster of “Artistic freedom” will have to wait!

(“Faces” from brandequity.economictimes.indiatimes.com, “Disney Monsters” from polygon.com)

08-09 Dec 2022, I wrote & blogged, plugging for whom I considered the best UP President we would ever have, considering the Twin Call of the Times: “Farmer Poverty” and “Climate Change.” Harsh realities call for minds that are inventive, not mouths that are invective!

Ex-UP Los Baños Chancellor Fernando C Sanchez Jr – of the 6 candidates, only he has the heart of the artist – creative, not merely reactive. In other words:

“Academic Freedom” vs “Artistic Freedom“ – “A strong man stands up for himself” vs “A stronger man stands up for others” (Sam Elliott).

10:42 AM Friday, selection day: God, I prayed! Prayer not granted, but I will continue blogging & plugging for my beloved Philippines to be brave to confront the huge twin problems of “Farmer Poverty” and “Climate Change.”

Yes, I have been searching, and it is in Agriculture that I have found the common solution. Thus, on 01 Feb 2017, I wrote about “Farmer Poverty, Why Can’t We Eliminate it?” (Danggay Foundation, blogspot.com). Here I said that the Philippines must push and succeed in agro-industrialization. “The poor farmers must rise from poverty and be able to stay there – that is the Foundation's minimum development goal…”

We all should be learners. In 2017, I did not realize that the pursuit of “agro-industrialization” is the pursuit of Chemical Agriculture (CA) that gives rise to greenhouse gases (GHGs) that give rise to Climate Change!

Am I the only communicator – blogger, columnist, journalist, writer – campaigning for the solution of Farmer Poverty and resolution of Climate Change? I don’t mind. From Asingan, Pangasinan, an Ilocano, I have always been an original aboriginal.

The UP Board of Regents lost, not selecting Mr Sanchez!

I look at myself as a winner, having written & blogged all these pertinent essays favoring Mr Sanchez:

9:51 AM, Thursday, 08 Dec 2022
“’The Prince & The Pauper” – My Maria Makiling As Metaphor For Vanishing Species In UP” (blogspot.com);

3:09 PM, Thursday, 08 Dec 2022
““The Thinking Heads” – Are They Thinking Of Climate Change? Nah! Greta Thunberg Is”

7:39 AM, Friday, 09 Dec 2022
“UP President Selection – No Climate Change From Popularity To Call Of The Times? – Calling The Attention Of The UP Board Of Regents!”

9:54 AM, Friday, 09 Dec 2022
“A Nation-Building UP President Please! Leading PH In Solving Twin Problems Of Farmer Poverty & Climate Change!”

Along the entire UP System, the Unfriendly Monster of Academic Freedom remains – the Friendly Monster of Artistic Freedom is nowhere to be seen! Sad.@517


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