13 December 2022

The University Of The Philippines Will Continue To Mind The University But Not Mind The Philippines – Mind You!

I am sorry my favorite candidate for UP President Fernando C Sanchez Jr lost the selection by the UP Board of Regents (UP BOR) on 10 Dec 2022 – and I am sorry not only for myself but also for the entire UP System composed of 8 component universities, and for my whole country, the Philippines.

I was not in that BOR meeting, but I say the UP BOR did not consider the creative plea for “Artistic Freedom” instead of the confining “Academic Freedom” as platform for choosing the next or 22nd UP President. Now then, it is not surprising that the BOR chose a lawyer: Angelo A Jimenez. “Academic Freedom, I will defend you; here I come!”
(Top image from finduniversity.ph, “UP Los Baños” from vigattintourism.com)

Janvic Mateosays, “Huge Tasks Ahead For Next UP President,” (11 Dec 2022, PhilStar, philstar.com):

Asked about his priorities, the labor lawyer and former Overseas Workers Welfare Administration acting deputy administrator cited his vision paper, in which he underscored UP’s mandate on research, teaching and extension.

“Those are the three main things,” he said. Jimenez also reiterated his commitment to defend academic freedom and the independence of the university.

I'm glad Mr Jimenez says, “UP’s mandate on research, teaching and extension” are “the three main things.” A UP Los Baños alumnus with a 22-year experience in indefatigable blogging with googling, I am up-to-date in modern Agriculture.

I say: “The #1 problem in the world and in the Philippines today is “Climate Change” – and “Chemical Agriculture” (CA) is directly connected to it, contributing as much as 37% of total greenhouse gases (GHGs) (Frontiers, frontiersin.org).

Additionally, CA makes life miserable for farmers because farming costs are high and farming returns are low. That is to say, Climate Change and Farmer Poverty have the same cause: Chemical Agriculture.

That is why I wanted ex-UPLB Chancellor Fernando C Sanchez Jr to be chosen by the BOR as the next UP President – Mr Sanchez is an Agriculturist, horticulturist, arborist, and a planner (uplb.edu.ph). Therefore, Mr Sanchez had his management foot already in the door. Unfortunately, the UP BOR was not looking for a deviser, only a disciplinarian!

And so, as I have been saying at least since 5 months ago (31 July 2022, “Fertilizer Management” Is Correct Critical Thinking, But The World Bank Should Be Thinking Wholes And Not Simply Holes!” Gardens Guardians, blogspot.com) –

Regenerative Agriculture (RA) is the proper response to Climate Change. Since the fertilizers in RA are organic in origin, they do not generate GHGs and thereby help resolve Climate Change!

RA has very much lower costs in production, while it generates very much higher returns. That should solve “Farmer Poverty”!

Therefore: In organic agriculture, we shoot 2 birds with 1 stone: we find the solution to “Farmer Poverty” and resolution of “Climate Change”!

The only sane explanation I can think of why the BOR chose Mr Jimenez as the next UP President – for UP, the regents were thoughtfully making Sense, but not thinking Science!@517

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